unpopular opinion: The 3 goal rule is perfect

One of the things I like least in soccer anime is the time that a play lasts, that is, the clock is not objective, it slows down and speeds up as it pleases.

We could see this many times in the match against Japan, between Sae's first goal and Nagi's goal there are 23 MINUTES

I'll summarize everything that happened in those 23 minutes: Rin makes passes with Isagi, they give it to Bachira, Bachira gives it to Rin and tries to imitate his brother, Fukaku saves it, Yukimiya kicks the rebound, Aiku takes it out, Otoya kicks the rebound, Niou takes it out, Nagi grabs it and scores a goal... 23 minutes

It is something totally illogical, which works as the author wants, in fact in the Neo Egoista League you can see, Lavinho and Noa entered for 2 chapters, only 2 consecutive plays.

SNUFFY VS NOA LASTS 7 CHAPTERS, there are countless plays, back and forth that are impossible to happen in 3 minutes

So I like that in Blue Lock they don't base it on time, but on goals.

There are people saying that it should have been 4 or 5 goals

Seriously, how many real life games have you seen that end 4-5? or 3-4? These are 11 vs 11 games with "U-20 level" coaches and defenders. Imagine how the league would have doubted if we played it to 5 goals. We would still be playing Manshine vs Bastard.

The fact that the game is so high makes you lose excitement about the goals, it's like what happens in the basketball There are so many points that you can't shout one that there is already another, it is impossible to be able to say "such player scored so many points" because they go by too fast

It's like what happened in the second selection, if I ask you, who scored the third goal for Rin's team in the 3v3 you probably won't remember, because the goals in those games were usually 9, 9 goals per game is crazy and you don't have time to learn them or enjoy them, everything is summed up in the most epic or in the finals.

In the second selection there were 5 because otherwise the game would be too short, they were 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4, the same thing happens if I tell you, how was the fourth goal of the Karasu team vs the A1 team

But if I ask you, who scored the first goal of Manshine vs Bastard? I'm sure that those who know a little about this will answer that it was Chigiri and his 44-degree shot, because they are emblematic goals, emerged at a sub-20 class level, if they were 5 or 4 it would lose seriousness and not to mention if they were 2 or 1.

3 is the perfect number, the greatest feat of a goalscorer is to score a hat trick, not leaving anything to your teammates and crushing them

The strongest criticism comes from the fact that players with more goals would develop more, I really don't see the point, having fewer goals makes these feats more epic, the fact that Yukimiya, Otoya or Sendou were able to score with a limit of 3 goals makes them very good players, and it is not necessary for Raichi, Kurona or Karasu to score a goal to know that they are at the level of the Japanese team.

For example, Kunigami in the last match, he was not made to score a goal in a match of that level, it is the truth, that Kaiser, Rin and Shidou have scored 1 goal each makes the feat of Isagi's double legendary, the truth is I would like less that Isagi scores a hat trick and Kaiser scores 2 goals, because the difference between 1 and 2 is 100%, but that of 3 and 2 is 50% (I hope the mathematicians understand me)

Well, this is just my opinion, I like the 3 goals, they give emotion to the manga and make it more logical with the times.