TOP 20 STRONGEST SHINIGAMIS IN TYBW (no novels didn't read them yet)

I possibly forgot some shinigamis so pls tell me

  1. Ichigo

  2. Aizen

  3. Ichibei

  4. DIV 0 (Oestu prolly the strongest tho)

  5. Yamamoto

  6. Zaraki (I heard in the novels he is even more powerful so maybe above Yama?)

  7. Urahara

  8. Shunsui (could see him above Kisuke, but I dont think so tbh)

  9. Toshiro (maybe above these 2 ?)

  10. Byakuya

  11. Mayuri

  12. Unohana

13.Yoruichi (unfortunately we didn't see enough of her)

  1. Rukia

  2. Renji

  3. Nemu

  4. Shinii (FRAUD, great shikai tho)

  5. Hachi

  6. Rose (underrated bankai)

  7. Soi fon (hate her)