How is this happening?

I started the game 2yrs ago. I, by now have almost all accessories and have atleast 2 mt links with fsd or sad dmg for each color.

I used the same build as some YouTube video I saw for the recent soul reaper gq. Have yachiru mt with all accessories exactly the same as the video with the same links mt, with same support (akon, tenjiro).

Tell me why the YouTube videos complete the entire gq (along with extra waves) with 30s left, while I can barely complete the same with the same builds with 10s left WITH the extra stages remaining to be cleared in another 10s? I straight up couldn't clear nightmare with extra waves with the exact same build that cleared all extra waves with 30s left

Why does this happen? Am I missing some hidden values or something? The yachiru in the video 2 shots the first boss, while mine takes all 3 sas with an extra sa1. I can understand if it's close, like if I complete the gq along with the extra waves with 10-20s left or something, but having such massive amounts of difference, to the point where I can't even clear the nightmare gq while the other guy with same build clears easily with time leftover is crazy. It's not a skill issue either (I hope) since my yachiru doesn't even do half the damage as the one in the videos With the same build.

Can anybody explain to me why this happens?