New Easter Egg discovered on Citadel!
In the "secret room", there are eight locations that trigger a rustling sound when interacted with.
There are two desks and six cabinets. Four of these cabinets are each missing one of nine drawers, one is missing the first, another is missing the second drawer and so on.
Two of the cabinets are complete.
At first I thought this rustling is connected to the fossil/void sword item, but I am not so sure anymore.
You can only interact once with each of the eight locations per game.
Not all the cabinets are rustling, only these six. There is no obvious visual distinction.
The interactable cabinets are the same for every game.
I tried to interact with them in certain orders, but no success so far.
For example:
1. First Desk
2. Cabinet missing first drawer
5. Cabinet missing fourth drawer
6. Left complete cabinet
7. Right complete cabinet
8. Second Desk
There are 8!=40320 possible permutations. I guess there is a clue on the map for this puzzle.
We are either looking for a representation of the 3x3 grids for the cabinets and putting them in order, or something else.
Any thoughts?