A souls vets first Wukong experience

I’ve played a lot of souls games and souls likes. Elden Ring, Sekiro, Lies of P, Nine sols, Remnant 2. So my friend pressured me into buying Wukong. Had nothing against the game, just was playing other things. I streamed most of my playthrough but wanted to share how my first run went act by act. Would love to hear what other people found difficult. As I didn’t really find the game too hard until two of the Act 4 bosses.

Act 1 Most deaths – Wandering wight (5) still learning the mechanics at this point Red Loong – 3 tries Act Final Boss Black Bear – 1st try

Act 2 Most Deaths - Tiger Vanguard (8) This fight convinced me to craft new armor Black Loong – 1st try Act Final Boss Yellow Wind sage – 3 tries

Act 3 Most deaths – Cyan Loong (8) Struggled the first few attempts, once I learned boss pattern wasn’t bad Honorable mention – Kang-Jin star 5 tries (Lightning AOE OP) Act Final boss Yellowbrow: 2 deaths 1st phase, 1 death 2nd phase, 4 deaths 3rd phase

Act 4 Most Deaths – Yellow Loong (Idk but 2.5 hours on stream worth of attempts until I finally won) Honorable mention – Scorpion lord – 12 tries (This dude hits hard!) Act Final Boss Hundred-eyed Daoist – 2 tries (Had the needle and got lucky to use it at right time) This act was the first time I felt some actual difficulty. Dying to a boss in 2 or 3 attempts simply because you don’t know the boss pattern doesn’t count imo. But Yellow loong and Scorpion lord humbled me a bit. As we spent a little over 3 hours on just these 2 bosses.

Act 5 Most Deaths – I literally did not die to a single boss more than twice Honorable mention – The ball of death turning into a duo fight was probably my fav Act Final Boss Yaksasha – Died once on red boy, didn’t have the right flask equipped. Went back and beat him and phase 2 Yasksasha in one go. Literally did not struggle at all this chapter. 1st tries on Yaksha king, spinney ball duo fight, yin yang fish, 4 of the 5 carts (Gold killed me once) 2 tries on fast as wind + fire duo fight, and cloudy mist duo fight. Almost everything else was 1st try. I died more to the ball on the mountain than any boss fight.

Act 6 Most deaths – Mantis (7) Honorable mention for worst boss in the entire game – Giant Shigandang Act Final boss Wukong himself – 1st try on phase 1,2 and 3. 4 Tries on final phase Started off this chapter swinging. 1st tries on supreme hand, rhino, frog, deer, son of stones, and Jiao loong. The giant rock fight can eat my whole ass, bottom tier fight even when I knew what I was doing. Final boss, final phase was a great final boss. Also did the Act 3 secret ending trio fight before this. Erlang was a beast.

Final thoughts I give the game a 9/10 Solid game a few boss mechanics needed to be tweaked imo. If they also wanted to make some of the easier bosses a little trickier with new moves id say go for it. Fav Boss: Erlang- Reminded me of Malenia of this game Fav Act: 3 – love a snow biome and lots to explore