I hate my hair and I need help

My hair is 4C I believe and it's really matted and nappy. I have no idea what I'm doing with my hair or how to maintain my hair. I hate it, even though I know we should all embrace our natural hair and all that. While other people appear to have it easy, I've always hated my hair. I'm sorry. Honestly, I used to be jealous of only women with straight hair, but these days I'm jealous of all of them, especially other black women with better, softer, and longer hair. I'm envious that so many people are able to even maintain it. While everyone else was able to deal with it and know what they are doing, I, at the age of 23, have never been able to.

It might be unique. Sure. But not for me. It sucks when my hair requires hours and hours of detangling and other tasks. Since I'm in college and very lazy and procrastinate a lot, I just tend to ignore it. I'm too distracted to do all of stuff to maintain it. Despite my desire for long hair, I just want to cut it off. I know I'd hate having to deal with my hair if it were longer, so that fantasy is dead. I wish I could maintain a silk press forever, but I can't, and it's not an option because my hair falls out so easily.

I have been wearing a bonnet since the summer till now. Everyday, I barley take it off, not in classes or at work, or going out. I'm not sure what to do and I don't know if I can even get it cut like this. I just don't care enough anymore, and I never know which products to use. Having my hair cut shorter will make me look even more unattractive than I already am, but there is nothing I can do about it anymore. 

I apologize for the long rant, but I really have no one to discuss this with. I hate many aspects of myself, and my hair is just one of them. I don't want to spend much more time fussing about my hair. At the very least, I want it trimmed enough that I can still have it braided. I've considered wigs and weaves, but they seem difficult to manage as well. I thought I could get dreads and avoid having to do my hair for extended periods of time, but I've lately discovered that there's a lot of upkeep involved, so I'm completely lost on what to do. I don’t know how I’m even gonna detangle this and my next semester is starting in a few days.