Can you tell me reasons to NOT use Bitwarden ?

Well, just answer the question. /s

Let me explain why am I asking this question (a bit of context).

Originally, I followed the route everyone has done when talking about passwords and their management, in a word password-management, that is:

Small Notes > Structured file > Browser PM > dedicated password manager.

From 1st to 3rd step, well, the step is short and you realize that you have to change very quickly.

From 3rd to 4rth step, it usually takes way longer, much more to realize that using a browser manager is not the right chose to do.

That's were PASSWORD MANAGERS come to hand.

When I decided to go for a PM, during my preliminary research, I end up (maybe because it's famous or good-looking) with him Bitwarden.

after I found this name, I analyzed this product to see if it fit my needs...

...the rest is history.

Using Reddit, the algo suggested me a subreddit, called Password Mangers ( r/PasswordManagers).
My impulsive, spontaneous thought was:

"Why the hell is there a subreddit dedicated to discussing about password managers ? I think there is just ONE name, that is Bitwarden".

I've chosen it because:

  • FOSS (open source).
  • Free Tier. //N1
  • cross-platform (desktop, mobile and browsers).
  • 2FA e E2EE.
  • Cloud based.
  • Self-hosted. //one of the few.
  • Free authenticator.
  • Clean&Slick UI. //N2

N1 Yes there is a paid version for $10/y with some EXTRA features, but you do not need them at all.

N2 Imo it's good-looking, functional, intuitive, quite compact.

So back to original question.

Can you tell me reasons to NOT use Bitwarden ?

If I had to be really nit-picky (as NES, native English speakers say), the only ones I would say are:

- it doesn't recognize A FEW fields (happened with network operator spusu and a local public transportation (when I was on holiday in Sicily)) apps.
(this was easily solved by open opening Bitwarden app in floating windows from sidebar. So no real problem and auto fill works perfect)
- it doesn't switch DOMAIN when login to your account (you can choose between .com (US server) and .eu (EU server)).
(not a big problem since I have to effectively login to my account just one, when I set up the service to work, but doing for several devices it's time-consuming.
What I suggest to developers is to open a little pop-up saying "we detected you are using Bitwarden from EU, would you like to use .eu domain from now on?")

As you can understand, small flows, but GREAT, PERFECT product.