Why is mainstream medicine so unaware of the benefits of supplementing and biohacking?
I've recently been diving deep into the world of biohacking, particularly through the r/biohackers subreddit and other sources. After reading a lot, I became convinced that taking the right supplements and optimizing various aspects of health can significantly improve longevity and overall well-being.
For example, I among others currently take 5000 IU Vit D3+ 100mcg K2 to stay at 50ng/mL. From what I've seen, these have clear evidence supporting their benefits, yet I've actually had to defend myself for this with my family (some of whom practice family medicine or are studying medicine), I get heavy pushback. They argue that it's unnecessary or even pointless, despite studies and anecdotal evidence showing otherwise.
Why does mainstream medicine seem so slow to acknowledge these approaches? I get that there's skepticism about snake oil and placebo effects, but it feels like the medical field is behind the curve on things that are already widely accepted in longevity and biohacking communities.
Have any of you faced similar criticism from family, doctors, or friends? How do you deal with it? And what’s your take—do you think medicine will eventually catch up, or is this just something we have to accept?
Would love to hear your thoughts!