Underrated Songs

I have been looking around the Billy Joel community for a little bit now and these are songs I feel are vastly underrated. I'm going to put some amazing songs that are underappreciated and then I'm going to put some songs that are hated on that actually aren't that bad imo (people are going to hate me for these haha).

Please remember this is my opinion and nobody is forcing anyone to listen to anything (please don't destroy my karma because you have different opinions). That being said, I would love some discussion regarding these takes. Say why you like or dislike, add info/context, etc. Please correct me if I misinterpret the community's opinion as a whole on certain songs

We'll start with some amazing songs that go relatively unnoticed:

The Great Suburban Showdown. This song isn't completely unnoticed, but I hold in a similar tier as Miami 2017 and Scenes, and it certainly doesn't get as much attention as those.

James. This might be THE MOST underrated Billy Joel song. It's a 10/10 and I hardly ever see it referenced. It has emotional meaning and the lyrics and music work so well together. Needs more respect

C'etait Toi. This might just be because I'm bilingual, but I love this song. His French lyricism isn't god-tier like his English is, understandably, but it's still very impressive. This song is like a ghost in the community from what I've seen, but it shouldn't be

Weekend Song/Mexican Connection. No, these aren't 10/10 songs, but Billy absolutely KILLS IT on the piano in both of these. It's obvious they aren't discussed because they are instrumental, but Billy's talent is not just lyrical. Give them a listen

Where's the Orchestra. This is what I imagine people will disagree with the most, but I think it's a beautiful piece and has a similar emotional vibe to James or Everybody Has a Dream. I've seen it in people's bottom 10 and I imagine because it's on the Nylon Curtain it gets more hate than it should

Next are hated songs that I actually enjoy. A lot of these are similar so I will list them together.

All You Wanna Do is Dance Modern Woman Stiletto A Minor Variation I Don't Want to Be Alone

When you're done cursing my entire bloodline, please read this: I believe these songs are among his worst, yes, but that doesn't make them bad. I'm very young, so old-timers feel free to correct me, but songs like these seem like they were designed for the radio, catchy songs made to be quick hits. And they are catchy. They are hated because they carry little lyrically or musically emotional value, but my friends who don't know Billy Joel very well actually like these best oftentimes.

Ok, discuss. And try not to downvote because I tried to be brave and post some unpopular opinions