How is the mountain biking/gravel riding on the west side after the fires?

Hello everyone. I recently moved to the west side from Long Beach. I have been a roadie for a while, but would love to get into gravel and/or mountain biking now that I have access to the hills nearby. How is the off-road riding currently, given the fires? Road riding is great around here, but if I can enjoy a bike in the hills away from cars, that would be even better.

I would like to get a mountain or gravel bike, but am having a bit of trouble deciding which. Were more mountain bike trails affected by the fires vs gravel trails? Or if you think that it wouldn't be worth it to get one because so much is closed, please let me know.

Getting into mountain or gravel is a bit intimidating, just because it isn't very clear online what is open and available for people to go enjoy. Maybe I am just not looking at the right websites. I would prefer to not ignore any "trail closed" signs. I know some people are doing that, but I am just not sure I want to risk getting a ticket.