I think it’s time to say goodbye
Started in Big 4 around June 2023 and I think it’s time to leave. I say this regretfully too as someone who envisioned at least making it to manager one day.
But this is my first busy season and I know the first will always be the worst but this is just terrible. The amount of times I’ve contemplated quitting in the middle of this or just not showing up anymore. I’ve never been like this not even with any of my bullshit fast food jobs I’ve held through college.
I think it’s a mix of things but I just don’t think I can see myself in public that much longer or in the service line I chose. Once again this is said regretfully.
When would be the best time to quit? Saying I had a job offered lined up. In the middle of busy season and just say fuck this or wait till after. I don’t see the point of even trying to make it to a year anymore.