3rd year in a row

Hey y’all! This will be my 3rd year in a row going so I wanted to make a little advice post for some first timers.

My biggest thing is DO NOT park on the street, if you don’t make it to the designated lots before they fill up find paid parking near the venue where people watch your car. Too many people have come back to their window smashed. With that being said also don’t leave anything valuable in sight.

Hydration is so important!!! If you haven’t already, buy yourself a hydro pack/ camelback. You can get them for like $25 on amazon. Saves you from spending $7 on a bottle of water .

SECURE YOUR PHONE AND WALLET!!!!!!! NOS is notorious for pickpockets. Buy a lock for your bag, or get a bag that has secure pockets that sit on your back or has pockets on the shoulder. You could also get a phone tether / clutch loop but be aware people might try to take it out of the case.

Take only what you can handle. You already know what I’m talking about. If this is your first time indulging in party favors, take half and DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES take the other half if you don’t feel the first one. AND TEST. YOUR. SHIT. Idc if you think u trust Jj from the block. They may not even know. you can buy test kits online. Get trained in using narcan and bring some with you, you just never know fam. I’ve stumbled upon an OD and was unprepared.

people, eat some fucking food!! I know we all joke about the one chicken tendy all weekend but seriously your body needs food. Food is energy.

It’s a marathon not a race, sit down for a second. Embrace your environment. Stretch before. Pace yourself.

Don’t be afraid to dance with strangers, that’s what raving is all about. PLEASEEEEE say excuse me and thank you walking through the crowd. Practice PLURR. Peace, love, unity, respect and RESPONSIBILITY!

Don’t ditch your friends, unless you plan a meet spot ahead of time. There’s no phone service at all. I’m all for a good side quest but make sure you know where to find them again.

Lastly, just have fun!! go explore the art work, find new music, make new friends. Don’t be anxious, this is a judge free zone. Happy raving everyone, see you down the rabbit hole!!!