Reddit helps OOP fulfil mom's dying wish.

I am NOT OP. Original post by u/Hawfit in r/HelpMeFind


ORIGINAL POST + UPDATE - 7th November 2021

Hi Reddit. Not new by far but I can't find any of my ​account info. This u/n is actually one my mom has used for 99% of her accounts over the years and it made me smile that it was unused. Anyway, brief story.

My mom is on her third bout of cancer. 1st happened when I was around 14 (2000ish) and was stage 4 cervical that she beat. Then summer of '19 she was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal that moved to stage 4. She went through tons of treatments that she actually had to stop because it left her with awful nerve damage (pain for life) in her hands and feet plus a colostomy bag for life. However she still had surgery and we were told in Feb of 2021 that she kicked cancers ass again.

Unfortunately at her first scan in July of 21 (check up scan) we were told it was back already at stage 4. Many appointments and discussions later we were told by a doc a few days ago that she won't see next Christmas, and we can only mostly be given up to February.

Through this we've obviously had many convos and asked things like what would she want to do. The one that stuck most is visit/see her father's grave as she's never seen it (he was sent back home from MI when he passed, and she never could get down there). She is not really in physical shape to make the trip. Won't fly, and sitting up to make the kind of trip will be too much on her. All I'm hoping is we can get this moving enough that someone can find his gravestone and take a picture or video of the stone and scenery around.

I am adding a picture of the lookup page we used to find him. I am on my phone atm so any other pics for proof I have I'll have to add later. Please help me reddit! Honestly hoping I can do this is the only thing keeping me from falling to pieces right now.

(Also I'm a long time participant but have no clue what the best subreddit is for this question. If anyone knows better please let me know!)


TLDR: Help me find my terminal mothers fathers grave for her to see before she can't please!

Additional Info by OOP in comments

I have spoken to family to know that he was buried at Mount Zion Cemetery in Doddridge, Miller County, Arkansas. I searched the findagrave website to get the information that his memorial ID is 111139892. I honestly don't know if this is relevant to a plot location. This is new to me.

A Google search of the name of the cemetery tells me "Mt Zion is on Hwy 160, west of Dodridge, Miller County, Arkansas. Located on right side of road adjacent to the Mt Zion Baptist Church".

There is a photo of his stone on a resulting site, I know, I think she would be more comforted with present day photo/video of the surroundings.

Reply by u/Ginabena79 on 8th November 2021

Op, I have sent you a DM. My husband and I took the short ride from Shreveport LA to find your grandfathers grave. I’ve shared a couple of photos and a couple of videos showing driving up to the cemetery and your grandfathers resting place within its gates. We pray it will bring your mother peace to see so herself and to also know he is not resting alone as he is cozied up with several other Green’s we can only assume are family. Much love and peace to you and your family x

EDIT - GINABENA79, I will never be able to thank you properly!

Everyone else trying to help too, honestly you guys, it gives me a little bit of "this world isn't too bad" right in the middle of my hating it all. I can't stop saying thank you lol.

LAST UPDATE, SHOWED MOM! So my mom came in to check on me last night (I moved in with her last month to be here) at like 1am. I couldn't wait and show her everything. She loved it!

AND there was a bonus! /u/Ginabena79 was so amazing and took video of all the surrounding family headstones. My mom called me back in to her room after watching them on her desktop to show me that her big sisters headstone was among them. She died as a toddler before my mother was born. Such an unexpected and amazing addition, I wish I had more to give than the gratitude I've been filled with since I started this. Thank you all so much, but especially you and your husband /u/Ginabena79!

ETA - Comment by OOP - 29th May 2022

My mother passed away on Easter after a long third battle with cancer. I moved in with her to take care of her needs so it's especially hard for me that she's gone. She was an amazing mom, with the best advice. Her favorite saying was "It is what it is" It taught us that when the circumstances can't change we can still change ourselves to better handle it. I was walking through a thrift store just trying to keep my mind busy and this little wooden block stopped me in my tracks. Only one of them, and it was kindof sticking off the shelf so it was closer to me. On it was written "It is what it is". I hope it was her saying hi. ❤️

It definitely came home with me, now its next to her ashes.


Reminder - I am not the original poster.