Conversation overheard in a restaurant
Denim Skirt Girl: Oh, that’s silly. I thought you were going to break some seriously bad news to me.
Polo Shirt Guy: I mean, maybe it’s not seriously bad, but—
Denim Skirt Girl: Why is that bad? I still live with my parents.
Polo Shirt Guy: It’s different for guys.
Denim Skirt Girl: Not to me.
Polo Shirt Guy: So you really don’t mind? You’re not gonna, like, sit in a circle with your friends and giggle about it?
Denim Skirt Girl: You mean my friends who all live with their parents, also?
Polo Shirt Guy: But be real with me. You’d rather not be dating a guy who still lives at home.
Denim Skirt Girl: I couldn’t care less. The only thing that would be upsetting to me is the reverse. If you bought a place you couldn’t afford just out of insecurity or if you’d taken on some huge unnecessary debt to pay rent or whatever like that. I like stable guys who make smart choices.
Polo Shirt Guy: That’s what I’m saying! I feel that so hard. It’s not, like—I want you to know it’s not, you know, that I just want to hang out with my parents all the time. Not that. It’s just a lot cheaper while I try to build a base.
Denim Skirt Girl: More than half our generation lives with their parents until they’re almost 30.
Polo Shirt Guy: I’m almost thirty.
Denim Skirt Girl: Yeah, well, that’s the average. So you could be on the higher end of the average.
Polo Shirt Guy: Shit.
Denim Skirt Girl: This is almost like good news. All this time I thought you never let me see your place because you were married or something!