Terrified about UC review as self employed person

I’m self employed and on LCWRA, so seems like I’m going to get a review very soon.

I’m terrified as, although my personal accounts are way below £6000, I’m self employed and have around £7500 in my business account. This is obviously saved towards tax, but also in terms of my actual work it’s saved towards yearly and monthly payments for personal liability and equipment insurance, studio rent, website, some contingency.

There are no clear guidelines whatsoever about the DWP’s approach to business accounts and how much they disregard- it’s simply at their discretion. So I have zero idea what they’re going to decide and I’m terrified they’re going to decide I have to pay back thousands and thousands of pounds.

I’m also worried that last year, when I was ill and not working at all but received some funding grants, which were later used on the professional projects they were intended do, I definitely went over the £16k limit when both my personal savings and business account are combined (but never over £6k in personal accounts).

So worst case scenario:

  • They see there is quite a bit of money in my business account currently (although not over £16k when personal & business accounts are combined)

  • They’re suspicious and request a year’s worth of bank statements

  • They see I had over £16k in total for a few months last year due to more money being in my business account

  • They refuse to disregard ANY of my business capital, and now I have to repay my ENTIRE UC for at least the last year, and my account is immediately closed, possibly prosecuted, I lose all my money, mental health crisis, can’t work anymore, homeless again, I’m fucked