PSA/reminder: your TDS internet should cost <$50

I’ve been a TDS customer for a decade, and was paying for the 1 gig internet package, which worked out to around $106/mo.

Lately, they’ve cut down their options and only offer 1 gig service. With that, they’ve lowered prices, including a “new member” price of $45/mo. They also offer a lifetime lock-in for that price.

With a phone call, I was able to say that I’d like to get on that new rate. At first they offered something in the $60 range. After I asked them to cancel my service, they offered me the $45 price, locked for life. Wham bam, huge reduction in my bill.

I’d read about other folks getting this price on this sub, but put off trying to get it myself. Please let this be a sign for those in the same boat - stop paying $60 extra per month. Give tds a call!