The lack of proper medical care out here is infuriating to say the least
I have epilepsy and endometriosis. I cannot believe how much trouble I've had to get proper treatment for either of them. I've been dealing with this for half my life (I'm 32) and have never had a satisfactory experience with doctors here where I felt heard and my concerns were addressed.
St Charles is a joke. Pacific Crest is incompetent. The only other neurologist office isn't taking new patients.'re just stuck with what you got.
I've been to multiple "specialists" who all basically shrugged their shoulders and threw meds at me. I've had to beg for tests, all the while feeling like a nuisance for advocating for myself.
I'm just frustrated. I can't even get a proper dosage for my meds from my neuro. He wanted to change it, they called me last week, left a message, and i haven't been able to get through to anyone since. I've left multiple messages to no avail. OH well....the MA called me after closing, disclosed zero details in the voice-mail, and asked me to call back. I called back 2 mins later....and couldn't get through....because they're closed.
It's ok. I don't need to know how much of my anti seizure meds I should be taking. I'll just wait a week and a half. DEFINITELY don't use the portal to communicate this.
The gynos in this town are a joke. The end.
I'm sorry if this offends any medical workers. I know there are good people who genuinely do their best to help others. I'm just saying that it hasn't been my experience the majority of the time.