Need ideas for the most spiteful, disrespectful thing I can possibly make out of the remaining hunk of this Bradford pear. It’s my mortal enemy.

Seeking vindication. I’m dedicated to getting the last laugh. God knows this stupid thing has laughed at me enough for a lifetime.

I’m all about being nice to the trees but I promise you all that this thing deserves it. Someone is coming to properly remove the rest of it this week so I need to chop off my trophy chunk asap. (There’s a long story behind it. I’ll post it in the comments.)

I’d like to make something spiteful and offensive out of it. I’d prefer to end up with something I can hang on the wall in my shop. Hell, I’d make a special trophy shelf just to display it for all to see. It’s a little over 5’ tall and has some rot, not sure how much. Im usually methodical and work hard to make everything look perfect and clean. Not this one.

What is the dumbest thing you can possibly think of?


  • a dull chainsaw
  • sawzall
  • jigsaw
  • miter saw
  • circular saw
  • table saw
  • I’m considering using this as an excuse to grab a used planer. I’ll send it if someone gives me a good idea that requires a planer.