Going back to own apartment (school dorm) from parent's place (bedbug sightings seen, level of infestation unknown).
This is a follow up on my own post: PREVIOUS POST
I just need advice on whether I'm following the right steps.
Can someone assess whether I am doing this right:
1) Heated all laundry here, but will throw in high heat dryer when I get home. Clothing isolated in plastic bags. Once I get the laundry heat dried, can I then place it in my closet with my normal clothes or continue to live out of plastic bags?
2) I'm trashing the luggage. will buy duffel bags when I get back or in the futue.
3) I trashed my Jansport backpack (can't be washed and dryed in the dryer); bought a temporary tote bag.
4) Throwing makeup bag away, will wipe down makeup with isopropyl alcohol (makeup bag has never been opeend near bed, but I'll throw the bag away)
5) Throwing glass case away
6) Throwing laptop bag away and iPad case away
7) Once i get to apt, will remove all clothes on person, immediately put in plastic bag and shower, and change into clean clothes.
8) I'm Asian, so shoes are always near the front door. I brought around 3-4 pairs which cannot be replaced, because I will literally go broke. How do I spray these before I leave? And after I leave? Just to reiterate they have never been near my bed, ever.
A bedbug exterminator already put interceptors next to my bed back on campus, I have a bedbug mattress protector I plan to install, and plastic bins for my shoes that I will keep in with HotShotPest strips. I'm worried about Cimexa as I have experienced my airway closing with past insecticide sprayings. The bedbug exterminator will be coming Thursday to follow up on bedbug monitors.
Finally, socializing: I haven't seen my friends in one month. Is it alright to wait one week out from when I come back, if I don't have bites or signs of bedbugs I'm good to socialize again? Should I vacuum every day for 2 weeks, should I clean laundry daily? Or do I continue to stay isolated for a month?
And, mental health: I haven't been sleeping in like 4-5 days reading this sub. I only told my boyfriend, but I know how much social stigma there is. Boyfriend said one week without bites and I can see him again. If I carry back bedbugs, I honestly think I might lose it. I can't come home to my parents, can't see my friends, etc. I feel like bedbugs are a lost cause.
I spent over $400 in the last three days replacing bags, luggage, and items, and I'm a medical student on loans, who needs this last loan disbursement for like, food, and living, and rent for residency housing. I just can't follow things regarding heating electronics because I have interviews on the daily. How much more do I throw out?