Why do people literally fighting against each other cry so damn often!!
I will never understand why all of these people cry so much on these competition shows.. but it seems more often on this one..!!! Why r u sad when their competition leaves? You are not friends. You are friendly! You do not know these people for longer than a week or two. There’s no fucking way that any of you can believe that in a couple short wks any of y’all know each other so well and y’all so loyal them it’s worth it to lose LIFE CHANGING MONEY instead of loSE a new buddy.. NEVER worth it to me to lose that ..even a quarter mill I would have hit the button. IS THAT NOT WHATBA COMPETITION SHOW IS?These people are lucky that I’m not on this game because not only what I have hit that 1mil at game 4 or 5 or whatever but I would have went to the next round with a smile on my face every single time I possibly could have because again it is a competition to win ONE prize with ONE winner. You f**kin idiots. crybabies it’s truely sad. It’s pathetic. It’s really upsetting to watch how many people cry over other people going home, which makes them closer to the money they supposedly went on the show for… If you’re not there for money, go on a friendship show. That’s all I’m saying.