What about a jet with two seats?
I discussed it with a friend. What do you think about a jet in Bf6 multiplayer which has one pilot and a gunner, similar to the Bf3 campaign mission? The pilot flys the jet and controlls the main gun, secondary weapon, contermeasures and can kick out the gunner (Pilot choose Gunner). The gunner has one main, one secondary weapon and one upgrade. This jet should be more effective than other jets, but only if the two pilots play well together. For example like the attack chopper in Bf4.
Upgrade slots (choose one from each category):
Main: 20mm, 30mm
Second: Heat Seeker, Active Radar, Hydra Rockets, Laser Guided (front)
Countermeasure: Flairs, ECM, Fire extinguisher
Upgrade: Stealth, Velocity, Reload Time, Air Radar
Main: Laser Guided (moveable), TOW (moveable) , TV-Missile
Second: Laser Marker, Spotting camera, JDAM, Cruise Missile (like the Bomber in Bf4)
Upgrade: More Ammo, Reload Time, Ground Resupply Crate
This is just a quick concept. In my opinion I liked the Bf4 upgrade system the most. There should also be at least one oneseater jet and fixed vehicle types for each map to make the balancing easier.