I like everything about the new Battlefield except the "Pax Armata" faction.

Seriously, they can use NATO, an actual real world military group for one faction, but then have to resort to using some made up PMC that doesn't seem to make much sense in the first place, considering they can be seen using NATO weaponry like Leopard 2 German tanks in the leaked footage...

A better option would have been making up a rival NATO faction consisting of countries likely to align with each other as of now (think Russia, China, North Korea, Iran etc).

What happened with gaming companies where they're absolutely terrified to use Russia, China, or any of the perceived world "bad guys" in their games now? Is it literally just government backlash?

BF4 including China and actual locations in China and North Korea as playable maps was such a blessing in disguise that we'll probably never get again

Gaming companies need to grow a pair