Bfdia 18 and why it made me love Pin

Pin as a character for the past few episodes can be described as downright annoying. She was be so hyper focused on hating freesmart and it was getting old and unfocused. Pin had so much potential to be something more, something grander, something better and damn did they deliver. Now, Pin’s only goal is to be first. She is sick of losing everything, tired of the torment she has went through for years. She got her arms removed, face snatched, been forced to crawl on treads, has shrunken to a small size, and has been humiliated by everyone but coiny and she has had enough of that. Now a being of hate, she strives to do the best she can to avoid future torment and to be on the golden podium.

Her betrayal of coiny made sense. At this point, she views him as competition and not as a friend. She doesn’t value friendship anymore and this is made clear when she said “if you care about winning, you wouldn’t have revived me”. It shows where her priorities lie and that’s a good thing for her character.

It also makes the “stop pretending bfdia was fun” like way better. Pin hated bfdia not only for the suffering she went through, but because she hated her past self. She hated how evil she was and how blinded she was from anger and being first. She hated that she pushed coiny away just for some silly reality show. This intrigues me because I want to see her gradually get more and more angsty as idfb (presumably) starts up and begins to secretly loathe herself. That plot point has so much potential in my opinion

This episode not only fixed pin and sent her into a way more interesting direction, but it also made her hatred bfdia more justified. I’m excited to see where they go with her now that she has entered her “villain arc” (Forgive for grammar mistakes, I’m typing on a phone at 4 in the morning🥀)

Pin as a character for the past few episodes can be described as downright annoying. She was be so hyper focused on hating freesmart and it was getting old and unfocused. Pin had so much potential to be something more, something grander, something better and damn did they deliver. Now, Pin’s only goal is to be first. She is sick of losing everything, tired of the torment she has went through for years. She got her arms removed, face snatched, been forced to crawl on treads, has shrunken to a small size, and has been humiliated by everyone but coiny and she has had enough of that. Now a being of hate, she strives to do the best she can to avoid future torment and to be on the golden podium.

Her betrayal of coiny made sense. At this point, she views him as competition and not as a friend. She doesn’t value friendship anymore and this is made clear when she said “if you care about winning, you wouldn’t have revived me”. It shows where her priorities lie and that’s a good thing for her character.

It also makes the “stop pretending bfdia was fun” like way better. Pin hated bfdia not only for the suffering she went through, but because she hated her past self. She hated how evil she was and how blinded she was from anger and being first. She hated that she pushed coiny away just for some silly reality show. This intrigues me because I want to see her gradually get more and more angsty as idfb (presumably) starts up and begins to secretly loathe herself. That plot point has so much potential in my opinion

This episode not only fixed pin and sent her into a way more interesting direction, but it also made her hatred bfdia more justified. I’m excited to see where they go with her now that she has entered her “villain arc” (Forgive for grammar mistakes, I’m typing on a phone at 4 in the morning🥀)