Fender Rumble 15 busted, help!!
So about 3 months ago i bought a fender rumble 15 and so far it’s been a phenomenal bit of kit i gotta say but the other day i plugged the bass in, turned it on, the red power light flashed on and i heard the classic pop the amp makes whenever it gets switched on and in less then a second the light goes off.
I get no output from it, no buzzing, nada it’s just gone. I’ve tried using a different power cable to see if i’d blown a fuse or something in the plug but neither worked, i’ve tried finding stuff online but got nothing back for the issue.
I’m kind of new to playing bass (only been playing six months) and even newer to amps and stuff so i have no idea wtf happened to it, does anyone know what might be wrong with it or if it’s an easy fix? Cheers :)