Looking for specific bass tone

Yes, this has been asked many times before. In fact, it was one of these types of questions that was in my feed that made me decide to write a post.

I've had dozens of basses thru the years and currently have several very, very nice basses. But when covid first hit i thought it could be really bad and bought an acoustic bass to play if the power went out. Anyhow...I find myself playing the acoustic more than my other basses now. The way the harmonics sustain, the way the wood resonates tones even after I mute the strings. Ghost notes are like double the attack. It has really unlocked a level of tone i didn't have for years. I have a semi hollow body bass, but it is dull compared to my acoustic. If I plug my acoustic in, it sounds terrible. Admittedly, it is a cheap Washburn. But sounds great.

So is anyone aware of a electric bass, possibly semi acoustic, that has these qualities? Price is no object (within reason). I recall Zon had a semi acoustic that was great with harmonics, but i never actually played one, and that was like 20+years ago. Maybe Yamaha?


Edit: two for one... also in the market for a good practice amp that has some growl. All I have are my touring rigs, like cabs in flight cases and rack system. I don't want to be that guy in GC trying things out like an ahole. I hear the fender is good these days, played an eden i liked years ago. Looking for something to just keep in my office. Effects bank a plus.

I'm 40 and out of the loop.