Where do you start?
Back in 2018 I bought a Bass off of friend, I had planned to learn then, and well that never happened. I ended up actually giving the Bass back.
Fast forward to today, and I've been getting into new interests and hobbies. I really want to learn how to play this time, and fully intend to do so. Not only because I really do love music, but just never had the motivation until now, but also because when I go and hangout with friends and they all play their Instruments I would like to join them instead of sitting on my phone haha.
So my questions would be where do I really even start? What brands should I be looking into? There's a few local music stores around me, and I plan to check them out soon.
I figured I'd ask here first before, so I can have a good idea of what to look for!
I don't know if it helps but most of the music I listen to is rock, , alternative, and metal.