It's been a year.
6'/43yrs SADI-S HW560 SW360 CW250
It has been two years since my journey to surgery began, and a little over a year since surgery itself. At first, I had a lot of the same feelings that I've read about, wondering if I made a mistake. Especially as I spent an entire week in hospital immediately following surgery due to difficulties.
Now, I'm on board with wishing I had done this all sooner. Though, being able to get a duodenal switch vs sleeve or bypass was probably the best thing for me. Even with the complications I deal with, I don't think I've ever felt better in my life. I've been big since as far back as I have memories, and every bit of it was unpleasant or worse. But I could never get a handle on it.
I'm within pounds of my goal weight, and I haven't even had skin surgery yet. Obviously. That's something I want to save for, because I really hate how I feel the moment I take off my shirt. I try to focus on the good sides though. How nice it is just walking, sitting anywhere I want, getting on a plane, riding amusement park rides, throwing out the seatbelt extender and giving away all my old clothes. The first time I sat in a chair and realized it didn't touch my thighs, I had tears in my eyes.
It has been wild, and at times it still feels like a lot to handle but I'm thankful.
It is difficult to share. I still have a lot of issues about my body. But I also think sharing helps others. It helps seeing others going through this.