Glad I found this sub.

I am glad I found this sub because I've been wanting to vent about this for a LOOONG time.

My girlfriend was a member of a porn server ages ago. Only ever shared pictures of herself and even very rarely at that.

One day there was a rumor that some bootydamaged guy who either was jealous, or just an actual horrible misogynistic weird went on a spree of reporting EVERY single image any woman in that server ever posted. Which led to almost literally every single fem-presenting person on that server getting banned.

To the point that for a second or two before the server was completely removed there were literally only men. All of them were banned for the same reason "Revenge Porn" despite it only ever being pictures of the actual user themselves.

The whole situation ruined any faith I had in Discord as a platform because literal consenting women were treated like criminals in an obvious targeted attack. Literally a month or so after discord made this huge statement about protecting women and minorities on their platform.

Edited because someone DMd me and told me not to include specifics.