What DO you want from a Banjo Threeie?

I'm sure many of you are already aware of Kirkhope's recent comments about fans rejecting a BK3 title (if not will link below). It's sad to say but I do agree with him, after all these years they will never live up to the hype people have put onto the series.

So I wanted to create a post for people to concisely state their wants. What do YOU want from a new Banjo game? What features or gimmicks do you expect? What are some needs that are an absolute must? And what did you HATE?

I think this is a much needed discussion because as it stands now fans are still divided on which game between BK and BT is superior, qnd both offer objectively different gameplay experiences using the exact same engine and concepts. If any developers see this, perhaps it could give them a greater idea of what fans want. Perhaps with less pressure than YL had for Playtonic.

For me, I loved BT and I want that style of Banjo to be built on. More open worlds (but less empty so to speak), more atmosphere, more opportunities for Banjo and Kazooie to banter with people, an expansion of existing move sets (not a complete reset like N&B), etc. I hated how small Banjo felt in N&B, the complete disregard for the legacy of the character in the gameplay and dialogue, and I wasn't a fan of how linear BK felt some times.
