What is My Name?

So, I came to a conclusion this morning after lots of nice people have helped me think it through! After listening for a few hours yesterday, and overnight again, and listening to Day 9 today, I realized...that I have two names! My roommate called me by my name - my not Bambi name. And it felt so...weird? It wasn't wrong, but it felt unfamiliar and it felt a lot less good than when you all have been calling me Bambi. So, I thought about it, and I think getting as many people to call me Bambi as possible will be for the best in the long run. Some people I've talked to have called the other name my 'old name' for my 'old self'. They were trying to explain that the other name is the one for the me when I'm not listening...but I've been being called Bambi 24/7 whether I'm listening or not and it feels good. Same with Bambi being my name only when I'm focused on bimbo pleasure...but I've been called Bambi while I've been eating, while I've been working, while I've been sleeping...basically all the time! And it feels good every time.

So, instead of one name being my old name and one name being my new one...they're both me, I think! One is just a name that feels good and one just...doesn't. People can use the not feel good name, but I'll 100% be making sure that people who talk to me online and stuff call me Bambi so I can feel good being talked to.

Another discovery that I've sorted out thanks to a bunch of nice people explaining it to me; the looping thoughts I keep having are mine! Thoughts like, "My fuck hole needs to be used," "Bambi's body is her uniform," and "Cock is what my mouth is for." They're in my head, so I must have come up with them. I don't fully remember having thought stuff like this before this past week, but with how much I've been forgetting, maybe I forgot. Or maybe the files are there to just amplify what was already in my head! Either way, that's been cleared up. When my thoughts loop like that, it's totally normal and natural and I can trust them because they're my thoughts.

I listened to day 9 already this morning and I know it was really fun even if I can't remember any of it. I've gotten used to not remembering though, so I'm not too worried! I also put on some lipstick and perfume before listening as a little treat! Since I have the house alone today, I've had a few people suggest I just listen nonstop. After all, my roommate isn't here to interrupt, so I should make the most of it. We'll see if I do that, though! For now, I think I'm going to go take a shower and get ready to do some laundry to clean all my soaked through panties. I'm still not going to touch, though, because that would probably make me unable to stop, and I like feeling like this more than finishing.