Being a children's entertainer in a dark time.
I'm going to talk about this without being direct, and without insulting anybody with views other than mine. I request that anyone responding do the same, and if I'm somehow breaking the rules without realizing it, I'll take this down (or I won't argue if the Mods take it down). I just... need to vent.
I am deeply afraid for the future of my country, afraid for the safety and health of my friends, and I feel helpless to make things better. I'm a children's entertainer, a clown in all but name and makeup. How do I justify goofing off and being silly in the face of the horrible things I see coming? But this is my job. I'm both chronically ill and chronically injured. I don't know if I can do anything else, and even if I could, it would still feel... I don't know. Fiddling while Rome burned.
How do you folks deal with doing what we do in the face of dark times? How do we keep smiling?