No romance dialog option after romance scene act 2

So I already have a post about this in the mods thing, but idk if this is because of that or not. We had an astarion mod that allowed you to have both his act 2 scenes, but it broke the game and I was not able to romance him anymore. So we took out the mod and went back A LOT, we had basically finished act 2 and are now having to go back to the beginning to the drow. I didn't allow him to bite her, I got the romance scene and hugged him, but I do not have new dialog options. Weithers says I have a bosoum compaion or whatever and it says its star but no matter what we do theres no kiss options for me. Its just telling him he can bite me per usual. Is this a bug that can be fixed or did the mod truly ruin the entire romance for me? Can I continue the romance story line?