"Good" Ending seems kinda tragic

I really feel like the "good" ending is really quite tragic. In my first playthrough I decided to go with, what I see as the bad ending (dominate the brain and conquer the world) which is all good and well, you get a nice conclusion to the game if that's what you decide to go with.

But in my second playthrough I decided that I should destroy the brain thinking that everything will turn out ok for my character and companions. Little did I know that Lae'zel (my characters love interest) would flat out reject me after I sacrificed myself to become a mind flayer to save Orpheus. Karlach goes to Avernus in the saddest of fashion. And my bestie Gale becomes a God that seems rather detached from mortal life while I'm stuck as a mind flayer. I gotta be honest, i felt kinda weird after getting that ending.

I didnt complete all the companion quests this time around as I already did them in my first playthrough so I assume that likely had an effect on the ending that I got.

EDIT: I probably shouldn't have tried to lump all the endings into simply just good or bad. I realize that there is quite a range of different outcomes and not all align with "good or bad"

Also, I made all my choices without looking up anything online so I made them thinking I was choosing the best possible outcomes for the playthrough I was going for. Shows what I know lol.

EDIT#2: I shouldn't have referred to it as the "good ending". What I am referring to is the choice of dominate or destroy the brain which is a clear good or bad choice to end the game, in my opinion. I apologise if I have mislead anyone. I Just wasnt expecting the outcome/s to be so bleak. Kudos to Larian for making me feel conflicted about the choices I made!