Lae'zel & Karlach Romance
Was scouring the sub but unable to find anyone who has made a post about this yet.
Would just like to confirm that SO FAR once you reach Act 2, get Karlach's second infernal engine upgrade, and get the scene at camp where Lae'zel confesses to you, it potentially locks you out of a romance with Karlach.
I had the assumption that Karlach may be alright with a poly relationship but after her 2nd upgrade shes not as down with it as she was prior. This is assuming of course you accept Lae'zel's confession. But me being the muscle mommy simp that I am decided to go with Karlach.
I've done a couple of tests so far so it would be nice if anyone else can confirm in the comments
1.) I've accepted Lae'zel's confession and then talked to Karlach about it and she was not happy about that
2.) Re-loaded, accepted Lae'zel's confession again, left camp, had a dialogue option with karlach, spoke to her and she congratulates you on your relationship with Lae'zel. You still have the option to pick Karlach here but it requires you to break things off with Lae'zel.