NY Bodega style Kaiser Rolls

Hello everyone. I’m new to this group and I’m hoping to find some really good recipes for Kaiser rolls. I grew up in New York and the bacon egg and cheese or even just butter was my staple breakfast my university days. I now live in Asia and there is nothing close to a Kaiser roll. I have tried several recipes found on YouTube but it just ain’t the same. (Actually far from it in my opinion) I know most of the Kaiser rolls in NYC are just baked and shipped from a factory but I was hoping someone had some insight on how to replicate those chewy rolls.

I have done some research and found that bread flour seems the way to go. I also have Puratos Rigaletto which I understand helps with that tangy flavor. Malt powder or syrup seems to be an important ingredient. I even have the bread stamp that gives the roll that swirl imprint on top.

I would be so happy if someone could share a great recipe in the bakers percentage formula. Thank you!

Hello everyone. I’m new to this group and I’m hoping to find some really good recipes for Kaiser rolls. I grew up in New York and the bacon egg and cheese or even just butter was my staple breakfast my university days. I now live in Asia and there is nothing close to a Kaiser roll. I have tried several recipes found on YouTube but it just ain’t the same. (Actually far from it in my opinion) I know most of the Kaiser rolls in NYC are just baked and shipped from a factory but I was hoping someone had some insight on how to replicate those chewy rolls.

I have done some research and found that bread flour seems the way to go. I also have Puratos Rigaletto which I understand helps with that tangy flavor. Malt powder or syrup seems to be an important ingredient. I even have the bread stamp that gives the roll that swirl imprint on top.

I would be so happy if someone could share a great recipe in the bakers percentage formula. Thank you!