Midwest: The Newbies Are Way Better Then OGs
On the show, there is a lot of talk about newbies not bringing it or them having to step up but in my opinion newbies are way better the OGs.
Natalie Nunn - the only contribution is saying "baddie baddie shot o'clock" in each episode.
Rollie Pollie - feud with Slim, which is pathetic and not enjoyable to watch.
Damerlin "Biggie" Baez - love her, she is funny, but not bringing anything this season. She is just another OG that is on the show for the bag.
Scotlynd "Scotty" Ryan - boring as usual
Jelaminah "Jela" Lanier - not a single good fight this season. I feel like the Gretchen fight put the fear of fighting in her.
Ahna Mac - hasn't done anything this season except talk shit and then hide behind Tesehki.
Latifa "Tesehki" Malone - boring until the reunion as usual.
I would get rid of all the OGs except Biggie and Tesehki. Biggie will always make people laugh and Tesehki will always bring it on the reunion.
Now I know that Diamond and Tinkaabellaaa are considered OGs but to me they are not, since this is only their second season.
Diamond The Body and Tatyana "Tinkaabellaaa" Williams - I love that they both bring energy in their scenes, and you never know what they are going to say or do. I won't say they are MVPs but they are bringing it.
Jaidyn Alexis - can't even open her eyes, very lame.
Akbar V - I think Akbar could be a great Baddie but she is just missing a good OP.
Ivori - got like 5 black eyes from Lex. Someone has to be the punching bag, so I think she is doing a great job.
Yoshi - left the show.
Emma Alayo - called out Scotty for being boring and then became extremely boring. Kind of iconic in a terribly ironic way.
PrettyP - I know she got a lot of hate for calling Tinkaabellaaa ugly(as she should) but she is bringing it. Every time someone called her out she fought win, draw, or lose. I respect that.
Jazmin Re'Nae - nothing of note to speak of. I think she is a cool girl but not a fit for the show.
Summer None Other - on my momma this girl is funny, can't fight, and talks too much shit. She is perfect for the show.
Badd Dolly - lost all her fights but that is more than most OGs that haven't had a single fight this season.
Big Lex - MVP of the season. I just hope she shows more of her personality so she doesn't become a second Tesehki.
Not all the Newbies are great but if I had to pick to watch a season with just the OGs or Newbies. I would pick the Newbies every single time. So I think the narrative has to change and we need to get rid of the OGs since they are not brining anything to the table. The fact that OGs aren't even staying in the Baddies house is bullshit. The Newbies should be able to vote and pick which OGs are boring and get rid of them. This would put some pressure on them to step up.