Venting about an RP server owner.
I am in a roleplay server on discord. The server has a dedicated theme and a dedicated storyline the server owner wants played our. However, the owner allows for the roleplaying of side scenarios while waiting to start the main storyline, recognizing that not everyone will know the source material and/or may not want to participate in the main storyline and they’d rather just see activity since the server is very quiet. That’s all fine and dandy and for the most part, goes well.
Except, well, there’s a complication. A friend and I were mid-RP in one of the areas in the server and because it’s combat with powers, there’s obvious collateral damage to the surroundings “in-universe.”. We had acted under the belief (and with the written permission) of the server owner that whatever damage we caused would be “magically cleared away” for when the main storyline moved there and thus we could roleplay freely.
However, the owner had a change of heart and told us to stop roleplaying because we were “damaging the area they had asked us not to and that was interfering with the storyline.” The two of us respected the wishes and stopped…but the owner then deleted our posts without asking or informing us, thus cutting our RP off in the end since neither of us had saved them and clearing the channel. We moved it to DMs and attempted to continue but it wasn’t the same and we just ended it altogether.
My vent is mainly the belief that this wasn’t at all about the “damage to the area,” especially with having explicit permission before from said owner. My friend and I believe that the owner did this out of jealousy of us roleplaying together (we are the two most active members) and not them (for reasons too numerous to name, roleplaying with the server owner is very difficult). The deleting of the posts just further confirms with us the belief, at least to us, since we had no warning prior to it outside of being asked to stop roleplaying. And that doesn’t sit right with us. Are we possibly misunderstanding?
Just had to vent, thank you and apologies.