At least they said goodbye, I guess.
It was completely my fault for even reaching out to the op, but dude was so selfish and gave me nothing to work with. Wanted me to play at least 4 characters and was super picky about it, then I ended up making an extra character for him just to make him happy.
I know it's my own fault for even reaching out, but I was trying to branch out and meet new people and it didn't look like anyone was roleplaying with him or answering his post, so I thought I would give it a try.
But damn if it wasn't like pulling teeth to get anything good out of him. I tried, I really tried to make it work and I know that's on me for even letting it go as long as it did, I just wanted to scream about it a little and hopefully give a vague warning about trying to rp with this guy to future. Don't do it. He just wants to live out his main character fantasy while getting to ERP with lots of pretty girls and if you try to give them any personality other than "I'm a big boobied, big assed fuck toy" then he bows out.
But as the title said, at least he said goodbye.