How to deal with roleplayers of certain characters being isolated in a group setting?

Hello everyone, I'm back again with another dilemma. I'll try to keep things brief.

A friend and I are creating a server for a specific fandom RP as joining other servers so far has been very poor in our experience. However, we want to implement a rule to prevent a certain type of behavior, which I'll label as "OOC / IC double standards". As in, villains that are popular in fandom are tolerated, but unpopular villains are not tolerated and scorned.

For background, we both write antagonists, and we write very unpopular ones at that. Frequently, we find ourselves shoehorned into a corner when joining servers, as other characters and / or writers utterly refuse to tolerate or interact with them. Ultimately, we cannot progress in the plot as our characters are so vehemently disliked, and we cannot plot / interact with anyone else besides ourselves. So, we have been joining and leaving servers as a pair for many years, enduring the same problem over and over again.

However, when the antagonist is more popular, we can note by observing server activity that the writers of more popular antagonists do not suffer the same problem. They are swarmed with interactions, almost everyone wants to plot with them, and any past crime can be tolerated or overlooked, even ones as serious as genocide, indigenous colonization, racial supremacy, kidnapping, mind control, human experimentation, etc. [ Context: This is the Resident Evil franchise ] The antagonists we write, for reference, are less severe than that. They are otherwise present in side-line additions or not a final boss, so they're not as well known or understood.

Obviously we want to prevent this type of behavior in our new server, because we both think it's wholly unfair that writers of less popular characters are essentially isolated from roleplaying, unintentionally or not. However, we are unsure of how exactly to go about it and enforcing it ( such as disallowing unnecessary character bashing IC or OOC ), hence, this is why I'm here asking for advice. Thanks!