Nikki Microaggressions

So, I was always iffy about Nikki because I just thought she was a jerk and seemed racist from the start. She's a jerk for not apologizing for sending Kori to the hospital and I didn't like how she saw Jade drunk and attacked her. Jade made it clear she needed a bathroom yelled at her for not stopping to talk. She gaslit everyone into thinking Jade was the issue and bullied her until she left. I thought this may have been racially motivated. Then she has some sort of issue with Char and I can't figure out why. Like yes Char is a lot but she started out tame and I just cannot figure out why she needed to get rid of her so bad right after she got rid of Jade. Fast forward, I've gotten to where she's called Jessica a hood rat and said it's in her DNA because she's Puerto Rican in episode 9. I feel like she was racist towards Jade and Char and made racist comments before that I noticed, but the "you're part hood rat" solidified it for me.