I got babies!
Two buff orpington and one golden laced wyandotte, they're all three roosters, they were a slight impulse Buy since they were 50 cents each, the reason why is someone placed in order for them at the feed store but never showed up to get them, so I got them with the idea that I have hens of both type so if it all works out I don't have to buy these breeds next year, also yes I have everything I need I've already got seven chicks and five baby ducks which I'll be posting about later, they wouldn't stop screaming on the ride back so I just put them in my lap and they calmed down
Two buff orpington and one golden laced wyandotte, they're all three roosters, they were a slight impulse Buy since they were 50 cents each, the reason why is someone placed in order for them at the feed store but never showed up to get them, so I got them with the idea that I have hens of both type so if it all works out I don't have to buy these breeds next year, also yes I have everything I need I've already got seven chicks and five baby ducks which I'll be posting about later, they wouldn't stop screaming on the ride back so I just put them in my lap and they calmed down