New chicken owners
Rant. Are your local groups inundated with posts from new chicken owners?
I’m all for people owning a flock. Do some research, create a safe coop and space, and enjoy your birds. Can’t recommend it enough. But these new people are driving me nuts. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve seen asking for “free or cheap” hens and “hens close to laying.” (Ahem, did you mean pullets?)
Sorry, but that’s not how it works. You buy the chicks, you spend a couple grand, and 6 months later, you get your “free” eggs. 😂 I’m just over these people trying to get free chickens for free eggs who clearly have no idea what ownership actually entails. And how much work, time, and money goes into getting them to laying age.
There are plenty of great owners in these groups who are happy to answer questions and mentor new owners but they’re not asking. Just joining and asking for free hens. Anyone else seeing this lately, too?