Need Advice

For past 6 months, my life has been stressful and problematic. Most of my problems involve money, I had nice apartment last year June with my at the partner who also practiced witchcraft and in September we broke up, she eventually told me she was moving somewhere else leaving me with rent by myself, and then a previous coworker stayed with me but she brought negative energy and she didn’t help with rent because she got fired from our current job, leaving all the rent to me. I eventually terminated my lease leaving me to pay 4k which isn’t so bad but I live back with my mom which she financially drains me again, I’m paying for her rent while she doesn’t work and I’m balancing trying to go to school again, working full time and trying to do DoorDash and I feel like this financial burden won’t ever end. I can’t have a break while my mom is relying on me for something that’s not my responsibility to do when she’s very well capable of doing but she relies on our dad and doesn’t even want to help. I feel like this is a karmic cycle or just I “feel” hexed. Or life just sucks. Any ideas or spells in can do to help?