Unable to measure NT at 13 weeks

had an ultrasound today at 13 weeks. They measured a nasal bone but were unable to measure NT. She got a quick glimpse of it and said it looked clear, not overly thick or dark, and wasn't too concerned. But when I met with the doctor later they said I was being referred to a high risk ob for the anatomy scan in 7 weeks. This was because they were unable to measure the NT and due to my BMI.

I'm not too surprised. I carry extra weight around my belly button area. I asked if I should get a scan there sooner to check for NT but they said it wasn't necessary - that with me getting NIPT today and them not seeing anything "concerning", there's no need.

I asked again on my patient portal as I am fine to pay oop for this and am awaiting a response. Has anyone had a similar experience to mine and everything turned out okay? I'm 36 so just very concerned.