Weird Reaction to Cytotec
My doctors attempted to induce my labor at 37 weeks with cytotec. I ended up needing a c-section because after the first dose I started having really aggressive contractions, but normally paced cervix dilation. Probably 30 minutes after the first dose I started having big contractions no more than a minute or two apart, sometimes one after the other. I was still having these after the 4 hours when the medication should have been out of my system. They ended up needing to give me a different drug to stop the contractions. The sudden strong contractions with no break time was causing stress on baby so I ended up needing a c-section. This was back in January, so I’m now processing my birth experience and am trying to think about life/babies moving foreword. Did anyone else have a similar reaction? If you needed to have cytotec again, did you have the same reaction to it or was it just a one off?