Finishing my registry, need some recommendations on certain items missing still...

Hello all!

I am finally almost done with my registry to send out with my baby shower invites. Boy, is this overwhelming.

But I would love some advice on some things to add:

- We travel/camp/go a lot of places, what is the most ideal carrier/stroller system for an active family? One that would preferably grow with her. Also preferably one that does not require a base as she might be transferred a lot between vehicles when she goes with grandparents, etc.
- Because we travel/camp/go a lot of places, what is the best pack and play to choose for this kind of lifestyle? (One that would store/fit well in our camping trailer would be helpful!)
- I am a weight lifter and would love a good "seat" for the baby to sit in while I lift weights (once I am cleared, and of course once the baby can sit up) - any good recommendations for this?
- Diaper pail - the recommendations are overwhelming. Some people say "just use a regular trashcan" but am not sure that is the best option, I am soooo sensitive to smells.
- Best humidifier recommendations? We live in Phoenix, and it is soooo dry here.
- Diaper bag - do ones with bottle "coolers" exist? There are so many to choose from, the options are endless and my brain is going to explode lol.