Why aren’t people germ aware
Yesterday MIL was cooking raw steak with raw flour (look it up- can be dangerous as well) and I looked away for a bit, then next time I looked over she was holding my baby (4.5mo)- I asked if she had washed her hands after handling the meat and she said no. My baby’s hands were already in her mouth and I have no idea if she had hand-to-hand contact w her but regardless, she should ABSOLUTELY be washing her hands after handling raw meat- especially if she’s going to touch a baby right after.
Then today, one of my friends was here and used my bathroom and didn’t wash her hands then tried to touch my baby- I immediately asked her to thoroughly wash her hands, which she did. People also keep walking into my house with shoes even though my baby is playing on the floor 24/7 now that she can scoot and roll, which is really annoying.
I guess my point is, I wish people were more conscientious about germs and young babies.