Correlation between an active foetus vs active child?

Hi! I just had my 20 week ultrasound and am starting to feel overwhelmed on how much my baby is moving. I've been able to feel flutters since 14 weeks, and kicks strong enough to be visible since 18 weeks. And now the kicks are every few seconds to every few minutes!!! I have breaks of an hour or so here and there that i can only interpret as her sleeping ;_;

at first the feeling was great, but it's getting overwhelming and I'm worried that she's going to be a hyperactive child. Both my husband and i have ADHD, but the quiet/lost in thought/easily distracted kind. I know I'll be fine if she does, because i have a family to help us out. But I'm curious.

Has anyone else have a never ending soccermatch in their belly? For them to come out as an equally active child? Or the opposite? I need the info and stories. Thank you <3