New(ish) Rules/Regulations/Recommendations since my parents' generation?

Hello FTM here expecting in April and my parents/in-laws have been incredible so far on wanting to do things our way and buying off the registry but every once in a while topics come up that have drastically changed since they were parents. Some easy one like safe sleep and car seat regulations I know about, but then other ones like they want to use my husbands old crib and the recommendation is no cribs older than 10 years which a coworker told me about after I was trying to figure out how to politely tell them no. I'm definitely not a pro on what the norm was when I was a baby, I'm in over my head trying to figure out today's recommendations! So just looking for some things that would seem normal to my parents (my husband and I are '94 babies if that helps) that I can be on the lookout for. TIA!

My husband's family kept literally everything since he was a baby and I'm currently not opposed to using what we can (clothes are a big yes) but just want to make sure I'm not using something unsafe like the crib.