FTM: husband doesn't want to be in c-section room
I found out I will need a scheduled c-section due to low lying placenta at 39 weeks. I have come to terms with it and my husband and I both feel it is the safest option. Last night in passing he said, "I'm not in the room for that right?" My husband does not do well in medical settings (typical guy) and has a lot of stress/anxiety around anything involving blood work or doctors. I told him yes, they do allow your husband to be there with you. I said I'm scared and nervous enough as it is, and I wouldn't want to be alone in there. He proceeded to say he understands that, but he is worried about passing out and not being able to handle it. While I'm not completely surprised, I'm a little disappointed that he seems so hesitant. I really thought he would rise to the occasion and be there for me. He did mention that he could take one of his prescribed Xanax beforehand. Do I let the situation play out and see how it goes? Or should I plan to have my mom in there with me? I feel a little sad at the thought of not having him be there next to me to meet our baby boy for the first time. I will also note, I have an extremely loving and kind husband so please don't rip him apart in the comments- I just need some direction/advice.